Do you struggle to breastfeed your baby? Extreme fussiness, colic, acid reflux, a weak latch, and poor weight gain are just a few of the many signs your little one may have a lip or tongue-tie. Cracked nipples, blocked milk ducts, and even mastitis may be causing you to feel depressed or hopeless when it comes to feeding your little one. Fortunately, there is a solution; however, just as important as getting your baby treated for restricted oral tissues is busting nursing myths that can worsen an already frustrating situation. Keep reading to discover three falsehoods about breastfeeding so that you can feel more confident about taking care of your growing baby.
(more…)Jesse Witkoff, DDS Blog
Are Lip and Tongue Tie Becoming More Common?
October 13, 2024
Lip and tongue tie are deformities in the mouth that are present at birth. They are characterized by overly thick or large bands of tissue (known as frenums or frenulums) that restrict the movement of the lip and/or tongue. In recent years, practitioners have been providing treatment for these conditions more often than ever before. Are lip and tongue tie becoming more common? How can you tell if your precious infant is a victim? This blog post explains what you should know.